Legal Notice

Company Information

This website is published by Add Value Technology Ltd (ADVTL): incorporated in Mauritius as a private company limited by shares, registered with the Register of Companies, Government of Mauritius.

Business Registration No: 144186

Head office: Essar House, 10, Frère Felix de Valois Street, Port Louis, 11404, Mauritius Tel.: +230 202-3000

Credits is the official web address of ADVTL.
ADVTL holds the trademark rights over JUSTORI
The patent for JUSTORI is pending
Director for Publication: Pratik GHOSH.

Conditions of use

All persons using the ADVTL website ( (hereinafter "the Website") hereby agree to respect the following conditions of use. All persons using the Website are responsible for the data they disseminate, use and/or transfer, and in this regard hereby agree to respect any and all Mauritian legislation currently applicable, especially that which pertains to clearly illicit content or the protection of third-party rights (intellectual property rights, etc.). ADVTL is not responsible for the use of data or content disseminated by other persons, particularly those in breach of relevant legislation.

The use of a hyperlink leading to the Website requires prior written authorisation from ADVTL, which under no circumstances may be held responsible for the content or usage of any site that links to the Website via a hyperlink.

The Website is subject to Mauritius law; consequently, the Mauritius courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes pertaining to the Website.

Property - Copyright

The content and presentation of the website constitutes, as a whole, a work protected by current legislation on copyright and intellectual and industrial property rights. All names, designations, logos and brand names remain the property of their original author and are copyrighted or protected as such. Any creations appearing on the Website, such as drawings, photographs, image, text, animated sequences (with or without audio) and any other documentation, are subject to copyright and intellectual and industrial property law, and are either property of ADVTL or property of a third party.

All commercial use, reproduction, representation, usage, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, or commercialisation, in full or in part, of these elements (including downloads and copiable content) may only be carried out with the prior written consent of ADVTL, with the exception of use for private purposes, subject to the different and more restrictive conditions laid out under the Mauritius Intellectual Property law.

Aside from copyright, violation of any of these industrial and/or intellectual property rights is a crime; offenders may be subject to imprisonment and/or payment of a fine.

Identity and contact details of the controller

The Site (Hereinafter the "Site") is set up by the ADVTL, whose headquarters is located in Essar House, 10, Frère Felix de Valois Street, Port Louis 11404, Mauritius, Registered with the Registrar of Companies, Government of Mauritius under the Business Registration No: 144186

The society ADVTL deals as responsible for personal data processing and collects about you data through this website (hereinafter the "Data").

For questions related to the collection and processing of your information made by the Corporation ADVTL, You can contact us by email at the following address:

Protection of personal data

ADVTL hereby informs readers that any information received by the Website that directly or indirectly reveals personal details (name, email address, etc.) as required for the proper functioning of certain applications (mailing lists, contacts, etc.) is protected under the Mauritius Data Protection Act 2017. This data, whether intended for use by the ADVTL is liable to be conserved, used in automated processes and used in order to contact and inform users regarding the existence of products, services and offers pertaining to sales, marketing and recruitment initiatives in particular. ADVTL may be required to share certain information gathered with third parties, particularly with certain technical providers in order to ensure the Website is able to function correctly.

Information on the processing of your data


The personal data we collect and process about you allow us to respond to your questions and requests via our contact form.

Legal Basis

The processing of your data is implemented on the basis of consent (failure to complete the form is a clear positive act which is consent).

Periods of retention

We keep your data for:

  • 3 years after the last contact we had with you (eg. request documentation from you or click on a hypertext link in one of our emails), if you are not a customer; or
  • 3 years after the end of the business relationship (eg. after purchase, to the end of a contract or the last contact with you), if you are a customer. At the end of the retention periods indicated above, we will delete your data. Before the expiry of this deadline, we will ask you whether you accept a longer preservation of your data, in which case the time specified above shall recommence.


Cookie Policy

This section details our cookie management policy.

It provides information regarding the origin and use of navigation information generated when you visit our website, and your rights in this regard.

Cookies used on our site

The cookies present on our website are used to provide information about our audience, and may include identification data.

Audience data cookies

These cookies are designed for use in volumetric analysis by providing statistics on site visits as well as the various pages/sections visited and tools used.

Cookie management

Cookies are kept for 13 months. This period is not extended by your return visits. The deposit cookies on your terminal assumes the gathering of consent. Thus, upon arrival on our website, an information banner shows you that we use this technology and by continuing browsing, you accept the filing of cookies on your device. However, you can set them at any time by clicking on the option to personalise.

Data Recipients

As part of providing our services, we may share or give access to your data to our following services and subcontractors:

1. Google Analytics

ADVTL may be required to disclose your information to third parties where such disclosure is permitted and required by law or a court decision, or disclosure is necessary to protect and defend its rights.

Apart from these cases, your data will not be sold or made available to third parties without your permission.

Your Rights

You have a right of access to information about you, the right to request the rectification, erasure or portability and the right to request the limitation of processing your data and withdraw your consent.
You also have the option to object, at any time:
These rights may be exercised at any time by sending an email to our DPO:, You have also the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The Mauritian Data protection Act and contact details for the Mauritius Data Protection Office can be found at

Absence of guarantee

The ADVTL makes no representations or guarantees regarding the exhaustiveness or accuracy of the information provided on the Website, and expressly declines all responsibility for updating said information.
In addition, the ADVTL assumes no responsibility regarding errors and omissions contained within the content of the Website. All content found on the Website is provided "as is" and "subject to availability."
All information found on the Website, especially technical, legal and regulatory information, is purely indicative and may in no way confer responsibility upon the ADVTL.

Limitation of liability clause

All users use the Website at their own risk. Under no circumstances may the ADVTL or its employees be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, particularly with regard to material damage, loss of data or financial damage, resulting from access to or use of the Website and all other websites to which it is linked. No guarantee of any kind is provided regarding the content of the Website. Information provided on the Website is provided for information only and may under no circumstances be considered to represent a contractual offer of services or products on the part of the ADVTL or its employees.

Unavailability of website

The ADVTL may be required to block access to the Website (temporarily or permanently), particularly for legal, technical or maintenance reasons. The ADVTL may in no way be held responsible for a lack of access to the Website, whether temporary or permanent, for any reason. Furthermore, the ADVTL is not responsible for any errors or technical difficulties that may arise within the IT system. In particular, the ADVTL may not be held responsible for data transfer timeframes, reliability of data transfers, access times or any eventual access restrictions on specific networks and servers that may be connected to the internet.


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